Name      : Fionn Behrens
 E-Mail    :
 Directory : mods
 Amiga     : A3000

 I am counting 26 years, being a 1.87m, blue eyed, short haired student of
 technical computer science in the 7th semester at the Uni-GH Siegen. If
 you wonder about my strange first name: It's an irish name, and that's
 also where my father lives.

 I have been having an Amiga since 1988, the first one was an A500 with Kick1.2,
 followed later by an A500+ w/ harddisk, and since 1993 it's  an A3000 which has
 become quite usable - or, in fact essential - with 18 MB FastRam and 2 GB
 harddisk by now.

 I am on IRC quite often and there as well as in real life people who know
 me can easily be divided into two groups: those who like me and the rest
 who hate me :-)
 My way is sometimes not easy to handle and surely not everyones taste, but
 I like it and sometimes it is just big fun being callen an As***** :->>

 In every situation of life I feel best if I have some good music to listen
 to. I play some instruments a bit myself, but none of them really good. My
 definition of 'good music' ranges from classic to house/funk/hiphop and
 can not easily be classified.

 My most important tool is my pocket computer, which reminds me of everything
 all the time and counteracts my extreme aimlessness and absent-mindetness
 with moderate success.

 Other things that I'm interested in / like:

  Reading, dancing, going to the movies, Badminton, Volleyball (at the moment
  not actively, unfortunately), mock-ups, electronics, nice women (seems to
  be a unidirectional interest, I suppose), pet animals.

 Things I'm not interested in / dislike:

  German politicians, football, braggarts (especially when discussing about CDs),
  hatred, indifference, lies, doing the dishes, people who do not say what they
  think, Microsoft, mathematics, smoking and cigarettes (yes, I do have prejudice
  against smokers :-), chauvinists (the competitors =:-> )


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